Local Government Committee Report – Week 10, 2018

HF 2258 – Flood mitigation funds;
HF 2340 – Fence viewers;
HF 2371– Liability exemption from honeybees on public property. 



HF 2258 allows the flood mitigation fund to reimburse costs of approved projects incurred after a project’s approval. It gives the local government flexibility to use these funds to reimburse other city funds to pay for projects. Currently, governmental entities can seek approval for flood protection projects and the use of certain sales tax increments from the fund.
[3/13: short form]


HF 2340 creates conflict of interest criteria for fence viewers.
[3/13: short form]


HF 2371 amends the Iowa Tort Claims Act and the Municipal Tort Claims Act. State and municipal property would be exempt from liability claims relating to honeybee hives purposely placed on public property as long as the hive owner and the state acted in good faith.
[3/13: short form]