Transportation Committee Report – Week 5, 2019


SF 76 –Electronic communication devices when driving

SF 88 –Registration plates and window tinting

SSB 1050 –Required notices of certain aircraft



SF 76 –Electronic communication devices when driving

SF 76 expands Iowa Code to prohibit any use of an electronic device when driving, but exempts public safety agencies performing duties, health care professionals in the course of an emergency and anyone reporting an emergency situation. A violation is a moving violation, and the fine is increased from $30 to $100. Current law prohibits the use of a hand-held electronic device to write, send or view messages when driving a motor vehicle (texting and driving).
[2/13: 12-0 (Absent: Zumbach)]


SF 88 –Registration plates and window tinting

SF 88 allows the Iowa Department of Transportation to issue a $35 blackout special registration plate. The plate’s background must be black and the numbering white. The vehicle owner must not place a frame that blocks plate number, state or county name, or validation/registration sticker. Monies collected by the DOT go to the Statutory Allocation Fund and are returned to each county’s county mental health and disabilities services fund.

Additionally, the bill allows a minimum standard of transparency of 35 percent light transmittance (window tint) and sets a $50 fine for violation of the provision. A driver must lower their side window to the lowest possible position before an officers approaches the vehicle.
[2/13: short form (Absent: Zumbach)]


SSB 1050 –Required notices of certain aircraft

SSB 1050 eliminates the burden on aircraft owners to keep current paper registration certificates in their aircraft if they have been junked or destroyed by fire or accident, since aircraft registrations are now checked electronically. The bill removes outdated references to paper aircraft certificates and changes references from “returning certificates” to “providing notice” to the DOT.
[2/13: short form (Absent: Zumbach)]