Natural Resources Committee – Week 4, 2022


SF 2011 – Youth deer hunting licenses

SF 2011 requires the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to make youth deer hunting licenses available for purchase when general deer hunting licenses are available, including all established deer hunting seasons.
[2/1: Short form (Excused: Zumbach)]

SSB 3040 – DNR administrative changes

SSB 3040 makes miscellaneous administrative changes. The bill removes employment preference to persons with “green thumb” certification. The legislation includes the words “state forests” in the Code when referring to state parks and recreation areas. Code chapter 464A regarding Dams and Spillways is merged it with Code chapter 456A.11. Finally, the bill merges Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) with Driving While Intoxicated (OWI), as  both are defined by the Iowa Supreme Court.
[2/1: Short form (Excused: Zumbach)]

SSB 3041 – DNR Departmental Bill

SSB 3041 makes changes to programs under the purview of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), including solid waste cleanup, the Missouri River Authority and the Mercury-Free Recycling Act.
[2/1: Short form (Excused: Zumbach)]