Privatizing IPERS: An Analysis of SF 45 (Updated 10/26/18)

October 26, 2018 Senate Intern 0

Privatizing IPERS: An Analysis of Senate File 45: The bill directs each retirement system to submit a plan to create an alternative defined contribution plan to the public retirement systems committee by October 1, 2018. This is a bad bill – built on a bad idea. While Senate File 45 would get rid of all public defined benefit pensions, this year most discussion is around the IPERS pension system…

2018 session poses threat to Iowa retirees

December 11, 2017 Senate Intern 0

“IPERS and Iowa’s other public pension plans are secure, strong, and sustainable. Some current legislative proposals to change IPERS could break the promise we have made to hard working Iowans since 1953,” said Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald.

Sign up for Iowa Public Retirement Alerts

October 10, 2017 Senate Staff 0

Every worker deserves a secure retirement. That includes the hundreds of thousands of Iowans who contribute part of each paycheck to one of our state’s public retirement systems. Iowa’s public retirement systems are well managed and fiscally sound. However, under Republicans, those funds could be at risk.