Senator Wahls’ April 14 Newsletter

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From the Desk of Senator Wahls

By now, I’m sure you’ve seen the news that Republican legislators in Tennessee expelled two Democratic members for for standing with protestors advocating for gun safety after a tragic mass shooting.

While this news doesn’t directly affect us here in Iowa, it’s part of a larger pattern of anti-democratic extremism that’s not just confined to Tennessee. Here in Iowa, Republicans have completely avoided budget debates, and pushed through dangerous anti-LGBTQ and anti-choice legislation. I recorded a video on this, which you can watch here.

Now, Republican politicians are trying to ban 98% of abortion services in Iowa with a six week abortion ban. Their stated goal is to ban 100% of abortions without exceptions.

It’s really easy to get discouraged by this, but we have to keep fighting back. It’s hard work, and change doesn’t happen immediately, but your voice matters more than you might think.

Stories of Hope, shared by Iowans

A few weeks ago, we asked Iowans to share what gives you hope for a brighter future. We’ve received so many responses from folks all across the state, and your inspiring messages are important and timely as we approach the end of the legislative session.

For many of you, the answer is simple: the kids give you hope.

Many of you described your awe and admiration for the young people of Iowa, who continue to stand up for their rights despite Republican politicians passing bills to restrict the books they can read or the conversations they can have in school.

We asked what gives you hope. Here’s a sampling of the answers you sent back:

“The awareness and activism of our young people to effect the change they want to see in the world.” – Josephine O.

“The dedication and commitment of classroom teachers. They work so hard no matter what mountains they are forced to climb, all with the well-being of their students firmly in their hearts and minds.” – Nancy G.

“More than anything else, it’s the young people standing up not just for their own rights, but for the rights of all, that gives me hope.” – Liz O.

“The next election.” – Brian M.

I know how easy it can be to lose hope, but hearing from constituents inspires me to keep fighting. Iowans know that we can do better, and this sentiment unites us even through these challenges. Thank you for believing in our state and our democracy.

If you haven’t already, please take a moment to tell us what gives you hope for Iowa — and please forward this
email to your friends, family, community members, or anybody who you think has
a story of hope to share!

Reproductive Freedom on the Docket

The Iowa Supreme Court heard arguments on Tuesday about the future of reproductive freedom in Iowa.

At issue is the 2018 statute banning abortion after six weeks of pregnancy – a radical change to state law that would prohibit 98 percent of abortions performed in Iowa. That law was initially found to be unconstitutional, and has never been enforced. The court is reconsidering it now, however, after the U.S. Supreme Court and the Iowa Supreme Court struck down constitutional protections on abortion.

Tuesday’s hearing represents the latest attack from anti-choice Republican politicians despite years of legal precedent and wide public support across political affiliations for reproductive freedom in Iowa.

The tactics change, but the goals remain the same: Republican politicians want a total ban on abortion in Iowa. They’re obsessed with denying essential healthcare and stripping away fundamental freedoms for Iowans.

Senate Democrats trust Iowans to make their own choices about their own bodies and their own futures. Politicians have no business in the doctor’s office interfering with private medical decisions.

Quick Updates

  • Less support for survivors. Iowa’s new Attorney General, Brenna Bird, is suspending a program covering emergency contraception for sexual assault victims. This follows a pattern of quietly but consistently reducing access to care. It’s never been clearer that Iowa’s Republican politicians will put their ideology before women’s autonomy, safety, and health.
  • Stay Active on the voter rolls. The Iowa Secretary of State’s office is sending out “No Activity” notices to registered voters who did not participate in the 2022 general election. If you receive one of these, respond quickly to return your voter status to “Active.” If you get the notice, check the appropriate box, sign your name, and return the pre-paid postcard in the mail. You can always check your voter registration status at
  • Englert staff unionized. I was glad to see that production technicians and stagehands at Iowa City’s Englert Theatre who bring live shows to audiences are now unionized. Iowa Senate Democrats stand in solidarity with the newest members of IATSE 690 as they bargain their first contract.
  • Strong coffee – union strong. Baristas and supervisors at Iowa City’s downtown Starbucks store made history on March 27, filing a petition to the National Labor Relations Board to form a union. They join thousands of workers across the country demanding their voices be heard. If they succeed, they’ll become the first unionized Starbucks store in Iowa.
  • IowaWorks for veterans. Iowa Workforce Development has announced the launch of a new online portal making it easier for Veterans and their families to find a new career in Iowa. The portal connects veterans with one-on-one job search assistance and helps employers locate and hire people with experience in the armed forces.
  • April is World Autism Month. Increasing understanding of autism helps everyone gain a better perspective on how people with autism learn, interact, and communicate. Click here for ideas on how to help celebrate Autism Awareness Month.
  • Get smart with your money. Money Smart Week is a national public education program coordinated by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago to empower people to make better-informed personal financial decisions. Money Smart Week events for 2023 include webinars about family budgeting, debt relief, and employer retirement benefits.
  • Don’t miss the Dutchman’s Breeches. Spring is here, and you can make the most of it with the DNR’s weekly woodland wildflower bloom report. This updated list tracks wildflowers in bloom by region – northern, central and southern. (Dutchman’s Breeches are one of the many already blooming across the state.) Peeping wildflowers can be a fun spring activity for kids and is a great way to spend time outdoors as a family. Wildflowers can be found by simply walking, or biking along trails, on a hike through a local or Iowa state park or by just driving slowly along a county road.

This Week in the Capitol