Senate Dem Leader on abortion ruling

January 22, 2019 Senate Staff 0

“The District Court decision sends a strong message to Iowa women that their constitutional rights are important and their health care decisions should be made by them, not politicians…. I want Iowa to be known as the safest place in the country to have a baby.”

Senate Republicans vote to shut out Iowans

January 15, 2019 Senate Staff 0

New rules being pushed through by Senate Republicans would eliminate the requirement that subcommittees be open to the public and that notification of the meetings go out 24 hours in advance. These changes are a shameful, deliberate attempt to cut more back-room deals and keep taxpayers in the dark about what they are doing.

Senate Dem Leader on Governor’s Condition of the State address

January 15, 2019 Senate Staff 0

We are concerned that for the past two years, the Governor and legislative Republicans have pushed everyday Iowans to the back of the line. Republicans have allowed millionaires, big corporations and out-of-state MCOs to cut to the front of the line. Our goal this session is improve the lives of everyday Iowans. 

Senator-Elect Smith meets 2019 Intern Shelby Young

December 12, 2018 Senate Intern 0

Senator-Elect Jackie Smith of Sioux City attended an orientation for new members of the Iowa House and Senate. While at the state Capitol, Smith met legislative intern Shelby Young of Exira, who is earning college credit while helping lawmakers communicate with Iowans about policy issues.