TODAY: Legislature’s Medicaid Oversight Committee

December 13, 2016 Senate Staff 0

The Iowa Legislature’s Health Policy Oversight Committee will meet for their final meeting before the start of the 2017 session. LIVESTREAM: This meeting will be livestreamed at the Iowa Senate Democrats’ Facebook page, You do not need to be a Facebook user to watch the video of the meeting.

Democrats release committee assignments for 2017 session

December 9, 2016 Senate Staff 0

Senate Democratic Leader Rob Hogg has released the committee assignments for the Democratic members of the Iowa Senate for the 201­7 session of the Iowa Legislature. “A lot of groundwork is done during committee meetings, where there are opportunities for open discussion and bipartisan work,” Hogg said.

First change by Senate Republicans guts oversight of economic development

December 5, 2016 Senate Staff 0

The first decision by the new Republican majority in the Iowa Senate was to eliminate the Senate Economic Growth Committee. The committee oversees hundreds of millions of dollars in state economic development efforts by multiple state agencies. The Senate Republicans’ decision runs counter to that of the Republican-controlled Iowa House, which today announced that the House Economic Growth Committee will continue.